Spooky Gay Bullshit #173 – Forrestee

Welcome to another episode of Spooky Gay Bullsh!t, our new weekly hangout where we break down all of the hot topics from the world of the weird, the scary, and issues that affect the LGBTQIA2+ community!
This week, we cover: a neighbourly dispute that jumped from voodoo dolls to explosives real quick, a man’s burnt thumb leads to a shocking end, family drama boils over a father’s last rites, selfie deaths are on the rise, and the case of two missing beavers in the UK leads to some revelations for your gals.

Please consider supporting the show on Patreon for access to mini episodes and many more perks! patreon.com/thatsspooky

Check us out on Twitter at @thatsspookypod

Follow us on Instagram for photos from today’s episode and more @thatsspookypod

Don’t forget to send your spooky gay bullshit to spookygaybs@gmail.com

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1. The voodoo doll
2-3. The vandalism
4. Max Armstrong
5-11. Ultimate selfies
12-13. Woody and Twiggy

Episode 335 – Magical Mayhem

There will things that will be need to be said! This week, Tyler and Johnny are covering 12 cases of stage magic gone wrong. Plus: kicking off things at the new apartment, Drag Race makes up for SNL parodies of the past, and a huge break in the mystery of Sharon Kinne!

Please consider supporting the show on Patreon for access to mini episodes and many more perks! patreon.com/thatsspooky

Check us out on Twitter at @thatsspookypod

Follow us on Instagram for photos from today’s episode and more @thatsspookypod

Don’t forget to send your spooky stories to thatsspookypod@gmail.com

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1-2. Chung Lee Soo posters
3. Genesta
4. Harry Houdini
5. Houdini’s milk can trick poster
6. Houdini’s water torture cell
8. Winona Lake, Indiana
9. Wizard Mandrake
10. Joe Burrus
11. Joe’s coffin
12. Janaka Basnayake
13. Washington Irving Bishop’s funeral
14. Balabrega
15. The Great Lafayette and Beauty

Spooky Gay Bullshit #172 – Choppin’ It Up (Up In Here)

Welcome to another episode of Spooky Gay Bullsh!t, our new weekly hangout where we break down all of the hot topics from the world of the weird, the scary, and issues that affect the LGBTQIA2+ community!
This week, we cover: a seemingly frozen alligator sets curiosities ablaze, China’s first Corgi police dog caught sleeping on the job, the continued search for answers about the death of Heklina, a Sasquatch hunter gets his day in divorce court, and it turns out our outer ears weren’t just created for industrial piercings.

Please consider supporting the show on Patreon for access to mini episodes and many more perks! patreon.com/thatsspooky

Check us out on Twitter at @thatsspookypod

Follow us on Instagram for photos from today’s episode and more @thatsspookypod

Don’t forget to send your spooky gay bullshit to spookygaybs@gmail.com

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1. The frozen alligavtor
2-4. Fu Zai the corgi
5. Heklina
6. Heklina and Peaches Christ
7. A Sasquatch in BC
8. The outer ear

Episode 334 – Lady Queen

Lay your birdin’ down! This week, Johnny and Tyler are sharing another collection of the most freaky stories from the Brothers Grimm. Plus: saying good riddance to our old place, Drag Race season 17 continues to be our happy place, and some evergreen advice on when to utilize bad manners!

Please consider supporting the show on Patreon for access to mini episodes and many more perks! patreon.com/thatsspooky

Check us out on Twitter at @thatsspookypod

Follow us on Instagram for photos from today’s episode and more @thatsspookypod

Don’t forget to send your spooky stories to thatsspookypod@gmail.com

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1. The Girl Without Hands
2. The Poor Boy in the Grave
3. The Singing Bone
4. Godfather Death
5. The Mouse, the Bird, and the Sausage
6. How Some Children Played At Slaughtering
7. Frau Trude
8. The Stolen Farthings

Spooky Gay Bullshit #171 – Shagadelic

Welcome to another episode of Spooky Gay Bullsh!t, our new weekly hangout where we break down all of the hot topics from the world of the weird, the scary, and issues that affect the LGBTQIA2+ community!
This week, we cover: coffins can’t seem to stop flopping, an unfortunate case involving a body found in a storage unit fire, construction workers almost down a bottle of 200 year-old pee, a lonely sunfish makes some unlikely friends, and one kid’s mission to help the UK’s hedgehogs.

Please consider supporting the show on Patreon for access to mini episodes and many more perks! patreon.com/thatsspooky

Check us out on Twitter at @thatsspookypod

Follow us on Instagram for photos from today’s episode and more @thatsspookypod

Don’t forget to send your spooky gay bullshit to spookygaybs@gmail.com

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1. Coffin flop
2-4. The storage unit fire
5. The bottle of pee
6-7. The lonely sunfish
8. Orran the hedgehog hero
9. Hedgehog in an incubator

Episode 333 – Instant Bull

I love you, Elizabeth! This week Johnny and Tyler discuss the legend of the White River Monster, as well as the tragedy of Minik Wallace. Plus: an announcement that’s years in the making, Joella takes us back to Drag Race of yesteryear, and some heartwarming dog news to soothe what ails you!

Please consider supporting the show on Patreon for access to mini episodes and many more perks! patreon.com/thatsspooky

Check us out on Twitter at @thatsspookypod

Follow us on Instagram for photos from today’s episode and more @thatsspookypod

Don’t forget to send your spooky stories to thatsspookypod@gmail.com

(Swipe to see all photos)

1. White River, Arkansas
2. Depiction of White River Monster
3. Alleged photo of a White River Monster sighting
4-5. Robert Peary
6. Cape York, Greenland
7. The meteorite
8. Nuktaq, Uisaakassak, Minik and Qisuk
9-11. Minik Wallace
12. Minik in Greenland in 1909
13. Minik’s grave

Spooky Gay Bullshit #170 – The Ty Ty-tanic

Welcome to another episode of Spooky Gay Bullsh!t, our new weekly hangout where we break down all of the hot topics from the world of the weird, the scary, and issues that affect the LGBTQIA2+ community!
This week, we cover: rare Viking relics discovered in Norway, a major BS advocate leaves this mortal coil, dead stowaways found on a JetBlue flight, hunting down three legs stolen from a hospital in Bucharest, and one unlucky patient gets the ol’ come hither from an MRI.

Please consider supporting the show on Patreon for access to mini episodes and many more perks! patreon.com/thatsspooky

Check us out on Twitter at @thatsspookypod

Follow us on Instagram for photos from today’s episode and more @thatsspookypod

Don’t forget to send your spooky gay bullshit to spookygaybs@gmail.com

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1. The Viking burial site
2. The Viking coin
3. The vulva stone
4. Comet Ping Pong Pizzeria
5. Edgar Welch
6. A JetBlue airplane at Fort Lauderdale Airport
7. The Romanian limb thief
8. The Xray

Episode 332 – Have the Fun

Smash or pass? This week Tyler and Johnny’s entire apartment flooded, so it’s time to have some fun and do some of our favourite activities from Spooky Snacks (our mini episodes on Patreon). Today we will be sharing some stories from Helen Creighton’s collection of Maritime folklore, Bluenose Ghosts, and we’ll wrap things up with a stop into the Haunted Doll Shopping Network!. Plus: the low-down on what happened to our place, Lexi Love continues to be our queen, and we share some much-needed hope looking forward!

Please consider supporting the show on Patreon for access to mini episodes and many more perks! patreon.com/thatsspooky

Check us out on Twitter at @thatsspookypod

Follow us on Instagram for photos from today’s episode and more @thatsspookypod

Don’t forget to send your spooky stories to thatsspookypod@gmail.com

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1. Cover of Bluenose Ghosts
2-5. Helen Creighton
6-14. The haunted dolls

Episode 331 – Loosey Toots

Why is this thing Daddy? This week Tyler and Johnny discuss the possession of Clarita Villanueva, as well as the murders of Ronald Glenn West. Plus: remembering The Vivienne, looking out over the next few years, and this account is now a Lexi Love stan account!

Please consider supporting the show on Patreon for access to mini episodes and many more perks! patreon.com/thatsspooky

Check us out on Twitter at @thatsspookypod

Follow us on Instagram for photos from today’s episode and more @thatsspookypod

Don’t forget to send your spooky stories to thatsspookypod@gmail.com

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1. Clarita Villanueva
2. The Old Bilibid Prison in Manila, Philippines
3. Crowd gathered around Clarita
4-6. Clarita during exorcism with Lester Sumrall
7. Helen Ferguson
8. Composite sketch of the Moorby/Ferguson murderer
9. Ronald Glenn West in custody
10. Ronald Glenn West

Spooky Gay Bullshit #169 – What’s the Tree?

Welcome to another episode of Spooky Gay Bullsh!t, our new weekly hangout where we break down all of the hot topics from the world of the weird, the scary, and issues that affect the LGBTQIA2+ community!
This week, we cover: partygoers in Russia charged for looking too gay, Oregon experiences a boom, the largest dinosaur footprints in the UK get uncovered, a despicable goat death in Texas, and a cold case from the 90s is finally closed.

Please consider supporting the show on Patreon for access to mini episodes and many more perks! patreon.com/thatsspooky

Check us out on Twitter at @thatsspookypod

Follow us on Instagram for photos from today’s episode and more @thatsspookypod

Don’t forget to send your spooky gay bullshit to spookygaybs@gmail.com

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1. Pride march in Russia
2. The Oregon High Desert
3. The Costco Guys
4-7. The Dinosaur prints
8. Aubrey
9. Christopher Smith
10. At Lawrence Diehl