Author: thatsspookypod

Spooky Gay Bullshit #53 – Hiding Group

Welcome to another episode of Spooky Gay Bullsh!t, our new weekly hangout where we break down all of the hot topics from the world of the weird, the scary, and issues that affect the LGBTQIA2+ community!
On today’s episode, we are joined by Amber Carvaly, a multi-hyphenate content creator and licensed funeral director who runs Mortician in the Kitchen!
This week, we cover: a potential mix up at a morgue in Perth, a sneaker suspected to be the work of the Satan, an iconic elder drag queen enters the cosmetic game, the Gresham Lumberjack is on a rampage, and a contemporary tableau worthy of its own renaissance oil painting.

Please consider supporting the show on Patreon for access to mini episodes and many more perks!

Check us out on Twitter at @thatsspookypod

Follow us on Instagram for photos from today’s episode and more @thatsspookypod

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1. Amber!
2-3. The “Satanic” shoes
4. Ozzy’s makeup line
5. Gresham trees attacked
6. Signs in Gresham

Episode 214 – Microwavay

Are you a horse, girl? This week Johnny and Tyler discuss the Salem Witch Trials (part two), as well as the the Nuckelavee. Plus: Tyler’s Witch Perfect trip, a daycare tries scare tactics on for size, and we ask the most important question plaguing the paranormal world today.

Please consider supporting the show on Patreon for access to mini episodes and many more perks!

Check us out on Twitter at @thatsspookypod

Follow us on Instagram for photos from today’s episode and more @thatsspookypod

Don’t forget to send your spooky stories to

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1. Depiction of trial at the Court of Oyer and Terminer
2. Bridget Bishop, the first person to be hanged as a witch in Salem
3. Depiction of George Burroughs at trial
4. Depiction of the death of Giles Corey
5. Map of Orkney Islands
6. Orkney Islands
7. “The Nuckelavee Chasing an Islander” by James Torrance
8. The Nuckelavee
9. The Nuckelavee

Spooky Gay Bullshit #52 – Nasty Food

Welcome to another episode of Spooky Gay Bullsh!t, our new weekly hangout where we break down all of the hot topics from the world of the weird, the scary, and issues that affect the LGBTQIA2+ community!
This week, we cover: data shows that serial killers are totally 80s, a bro study all about heavy metals bros just broin’, a new line of pet fashions for anyone nostalgic for Woodstock ’99, a real-life Salem Puritan discovered still alive, and the case of a real walking/talking innuendo getting busted at the border.

Please consider supporting the show on Patreon for access to mini episodes and many more perks!

Check us out on Twitter at @thatsspookypod

Follow us on Instagram for photos from today’s episode and more @thatsspookypod

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1. Extreme metal guitar skills study
2. Jonathan Davis
3. Freak on a Leash logo
4. Freak on a Leash collar
5. Freak on a Leash scorpion plushie
6. Freak on a Leash family of products
7. Hocus Pocus 2
8. Ms. Gooch
9. A literal trouser snake

Episode 213 – Kerfuffle

I will see the horvest… This week Tyler and Johnny discuss the Bradford Experiment, as well as the Salem Witch Trials (part one). Plus: an animated queer icon finally goes canonical, remembering George Ward (aka Cherry Valentine), and the continual struggle to keep up an air of mystique.

Please consider supporting the show on Patreon for access to mini episodes and many more perks!

Check us out on Twitter at @thatsspookypod

Follow us on Instagram for photos from today’s episode and more @thatsspookypod

Don’t forget to send your spooky stories to

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1. Ruth Doran and Thomas Bradford’s pictures in print
2. Depiction of Salem Village
3. Salem Village vs Salem Town on a map
4. Depiction of family praying over an afflicted child
5. Depiction of Tituba and girls from Salem Village
6. Alleged depiction of Sarah Good
7. Samuel Parris

Spooky Gay Bullshit #51 – Rosemary’s Choice

Welcome to another episode of Spooky Gay Bullsh!t, our new weekly hangout where we break down all of the hot topics from the world of the weird, the scary, and issues that affect the LGBTQIA2+ community!
This week, we cover: a family who thinks that death is just a state of mind, potentially the most goth AF museum exhibit ever, the hands-down grossest story we’ve ever shared, feuding Alaskan neighbours try to weaponize creepy dolls, and it’s time to get freaky in every sense of the phrase.

Please consider supporting the show on Patreon for access to mini episodes and many more perks!

Check us out on Twitter at @thatsspookypod

Follow us on Instagram for photos from today’s episode and more @thatsspookypod

Don’t forget to send your spooky gay bullshit to

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1. Still from Nosferatu
2. F.W. Murnau
3. Belle the chihuahua
4. Signs on fence in Wasilla, Alaska
5. Creepy dolls on fence in Wasilla
6. Fake head on a spike in Wasilla
7. Vampire Licker

Episode 212 – Vengabus

Uh oh, the big one fell on the little one… This week, just in time for spooky season, we are sharing eight more spooky stories sent in by listeners! Plus: Iconiquetober is upon us, Dragula’s back with a vengeance, and some cool news about the scariest cryptozoological creatures of them all–babies.

Please consider supporting the show on Patreon for access to mini episodes and many more perks!

Check us out on Twitter at @thatsspookypod

Follow us on Instagram for photos from today’s episode and more @thatsspookypod

Don’t forget to send your spooky stories to

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1. Violet and Copper (c/o Kristen)
2. Niklaus and Ruby (c/o Anne)
3. Baby Paul and his grandma
4. Screenshots from Paul’s video
5. Fetty and Lapua (c/o Danica)
6. Joey, Cooper, and Wasabi (c/o Jenny)
7. Findus (c/o Julie)
8. Julie’s Hygge Halloween artwork

Spooky Gay Bullshit #50 – Metaphortex

Welcome to another episode of Spooky Gay Bullsh!t, our new weekly hangout where we break down all of the hot topics from the world of the weird, the scary, and issues that affect the LGBTQIA2+ community!
This week, we cover: Mariah Carey’s grunge journey, another guy’s journey as a fake autopsy practitioner, a brain-eating amoeba plucked directly from our collective nightmares, a new use for the blood of gay men (since the blood banks don’t want it), and Otterwatch hits the beach to catch some waves.

Please consider supporting the show on Patreon for access to mini episodes and many more perks!

Check us out on Twitter at @thatsspookypod

Follow us on Instagram for photos from today’s episode and more @thatsspookypod

Don’t forget to send your spooky gay bullshit to

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1. Mariah Carey
2. Cover for Mariah’s grunge album
3. Shawn Parcells
4. A brain-eating amoeba
5. Gay Blood product line
6-7. The surfboard otter attack

Episode 211 – Totes Boggy

The cat lovers clapped… This week Johnny and Tyler discuss the legend of Jenny Greenteeth, as well as the murder of Carolyn Wasilewski. Plus: Bigfoot will come out when they’re ready, television shows with the grimmest endings, and a chicken recipe that needs to go to bed.

Please consider supporting the show on Patreon for access to mini episodes and many more perks!

Check us out on Twitter at @thatsspookypod

Follow us on Instagram for photos from today’s episode and more @thatsspookypod

Don’t forget to send your spooky stories to

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1. Artist interpretation of Jenny Greenteeth
2. Ducks in duckweed
3. Doxey Pool
4. Alleged Jenny Greenteeth photo from 2018
5. Carolyn Wasilewski
6. Carolyn Wasilewski’s funeral

Spooky Gay Bullshit #49 – Dirty Pipeline

Welcome to another episode of Spooky Gay Bullsh!t, our new weekly hangout where we break down all of the hot topics from the world of the weird, the scary, and issues that affect the LGBTQIA2+ community!
This week, we cover: a robot on the job crashes a crime scene, a man in Ohio stung 20 000 times by bees miraculously survives, a new system to rate the scariness of horror movies, the world’s largest experiment simulating bodies in suitcases gets underway, and accusations of cheating/butt play swirl in the competitive chess world.

Please consider supporting the show on Patreon for access to mini episodes and many more perks!

Check us out on Twitter at @thatsspookypod

Follow us on Instagram for photos from today’s episode and more @thatsspookypod

Don’t forget to send your spooky gay bullshit to

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1. Definition of Yeet
2. Suspect arrested in South Korea for New Zealand suitcase murders
3. Delivery robot being let into crime scene by camera person
4. Robot crashing active crime scene
5. Scary Meter website
6. Scariest movies according to Scary Meter
7. Experiment simulating dead bodies in suitcases
8. Magnus Carlsen playing against Hans Niemann

Episode 210 – Monster Mash

Get her, Jade! This week Tyler and Johnny discuss the case of the Kičevo Monster, as well as the crimes of the David McGreavy (aka the Monster of Worcester). Plus: Johnny’s ghost talent agency is taking on clients, mending little goth hearts through drag, and a lose-lose situation involving a kangaroo.

Please consider supporting the show on Patreon for access to mini episodes and many more perks!

Check us out on Twitter at @thatsspookypod

Follow us on Instagram for photos from today’s episode and more @thatsspookypod

Don’t forget to send your spooky stories to

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1. Vlado Taneski
2. Evidence in Taneski’s summer home
3. David McGreavy
4. Elsie (Dorothy) Ralph and her children (L-R: Paul, Samatha, and Dawn)
5. The infamous fence in the Ralph family’s backyard (tented off by police)
6. David McGreavy in present-day